
What is the UTN Network?

  • Utah Telehealth Network (UTN) operates a secure, reliable, and affordable network connecting hospitals, clinics, and health departments across the state.
  • UTN contracts with multiple telecommunication service providers in local communities to provide fiber or microwave services to participating healthcare facilities. Every facility on the network is connected with a minimum connection speed of 1 Gbps.
  • UTN operates as a consortium in the FCC’s Rural healthcare (RHC) healthcare Connect Fund (HCF) program, which provides significant discounts on telecommunication services for eligible rural healthcare facilities, making connectivity much more affordable.
  • The HCF program provides a 65% discount on all one-time and ongoing telecommunications costs. UTN has been using this program for new and existing sites since 2016.

Why should I join the network?

UTN membership includes the following benefits:

  • Becoming part of the consortium makes you eligible for large discounts on your telecommunications costs through the FCC Rural healthcare programs
  • 24/7/365 network operations center monitoring and support
  • Managed Security Services, including:
    • Firewall Management
    • Virtual Private Network (VPN) setup and management
    • Secure Endpoint malware/anti-virus protection software
    • Web filtering
    • Weekly vulnerability scanning and reporting plus weekly office hours
  • Two free Webex accounts per site (for admin purposes)
  • Access to the Hatch Telemedicine Platform for direct-to-patient virtual visits
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM) platform
  • Rubrik cloud-hosted backup platform
  • Access to IT training and education
Utah Telehealth Network is part of the Utah Education and Telehealth Network
UETN does not endorse and is not responsible for content on external websites linked from this page.
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